Anheuser-Busch Technical Furniture
Brewhouse Control System
A key project objective for Anheuser-Busch was to achieve a showcase control room appearance reflecting the quality of their brewing process and products, and suitable for an area of their facility frequently visited by tour groups. In this installation, using technical furniture purchased through ImageVision, Inc., brewhouse operators sit at a circular console, allowing a 360-degree view of processes through wrap-around windows. The operator interface was accomplished via two large process control monitors embedded in the wall, where monitoring stations display process status and data acquisition results. In addition, dedicated batch control touch screen monitors were configured around the console. Each operator position was furnished with a pull out keyboard tray and mouse that could be stored under the console worksurface when not in use. The console bases house process control computers, data acquisition systems, servers, and other computer equipment.
We utilized our design, engineering, and fabrication capabilities to offer an extensive array of custom enclosure options to meet this customer’s unique objectives. Console countertops were fabricated with solid-surface Corian material. The interior of each console employed our standard all-steel frame construction with powder coat finish, ensuring structural integrity and lasting aesthetics. The exterior of each console was finished with a skirting of maple wood veneer.