Power Station Control Room Furniture


Power generation companies like Duke Energy, Saudi Electric, the Lower Colorado River Authority, and Black Hills Energy rely on ImageVision when nothing less than the highest-quality and heaviest-duty control consoles will suffice.

These companies require consoles that will provide durability and modularity to help preserve capital and floor space. Operators who use power station control room furniture, on the other hand, require highly customizable and ergonomic consoles to help them find their comfort zone and minimize distractions.

AgileVIEW consoles are ergonomically designed to outlast 24/7 use in industrial environments for 20+ years, all while retaining a showroom finish. And they can be modified to fit any control room layout—they’ve been successfully deployed in central control rooms, relay rooms, boiler rooms, and more around the world.

When your company requires control stations where operators may be standing, we offer both standing and adjustable height consoles through our ErgonomicVIEW product line, supporting comfortable and efficient use of workstations though flexible design. Our modular furniture allows for rack-mounted equipment in overhead or under-desk cabinets, or custom sub-panels. Additional monitor supports can be added as your operations grow.

Experience matters, and we can help you with your power generation control room furniture, whether you manage electric, hydroelectric, refuse, solar, or wind energy. We can also help with providing furniture for turbine and emissions control rooms or for recycling centers.

ImageVision consoles are shipped fully assembled and offer an incredibly uncomplicated installation.

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